Saturday, December 10, 2005

Outside the Air Locker viaThe Counterterrorism Blog

Zarqawi media hacks released the sanitized bio's of the recent suicide jockeys escorted outside the air locker. (English translations provided by

* "Abu Harira al-Hijazi": A foreign-born suicide bomber from the Hijaz region (in western Saudi Arabia and Yemen) who insisted to his Al-Qaida commanders, "I want to launch a martyrdom operation against the apostates. I don’t want to launch one against the Americans. Indeed, there are those who would like to see an operation carried out against the Americans, but it is the apostates who are the true scum. I have a priority and I cannot help but notice how others are refraining from seeking revenge on the apostates."
* "Abu Umair al-Suri al-Halabi": A foreign-born suicide bomber from "Greater Syria" (i.e. Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and the Palestinian territories) who was part of a devastating twin suicide attack on "the headquarters of the Polish forces in the city of Karbala" with another Kuwaiti Al-Qaida operative.
* "Al-Hajji" Thamer Mubarak Atrous: A former Iraqi military officer who abandoned the Baath Party and became one of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's top terrorist operatives, judged "directly responsible—serving as deputy commander—for carrying out two of the greatest operations that were launched in Iraq": "the killing of the enemy of Allah, servant of the Jews, and leader of the infidels, Mohammed Bakr al-Hakim, [and] the first attack against the United Nations headquarters that wiped out many infidel leaders, including their top leader Sergio de Mello." Al-Hajji Thamer's sister, Sajida Mubarak Atrous al-Rishawi, was the failed female Al-Qaida suicide bomber who targeted the Radisson Hotel in Amman, Jordan on Nov. 9, 2005.
* "Abu Hamza al-Urdani" (a.k.a. Nidal Mohammed Arabiyat): A hardened Jordanian Al-Qaida operative trained in Afghanistan as an expert in the manufacture of VBIEDs (car bombs) who "played a role in most of the martyrdom operations that were carried out [in Iraq] prior to his death", including "but not limited to—the killing of [Mohammed Bakr] al-Hakim, as well as the killing of [Sergio] De Mello from the United Nations... the attacks against the Italian forces, and the assaults on the al-Shahin Hotel and the Nabil restaurant."

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