Monday, March 05, 2007

Orcs in the Wire:American Airlines Flt 62--Paris to Miami

Aviation Nation is reporting an second hand account of an Orc probe during a flight from Paris to Miami. Same route and same airline that Richard Reid took to set off bombs in his shoes. American Airlines spokesman John Hotard confirmed the incident on flight 62 to Annie Jacobsen of Aviation Nation:
"Flt 62, Paris to MIA [Miami], a few weeks ago. 2 maybe 4 mid-eastern types causing minor disturbance from the get-go. Nothing that the FAs [flight attendants] couldn’t deal with, but, in hindsight, they seemed to be pushing the envelope. Cross-cabin activity, hanging out in the forward galley, complaining about everything, etc. Mid-Atlantic, the FO [First Officer, or Co-Pilot] called to return to the cockpit after his crew-rest break. One of the perps [perpetrators] was in the forward galley, was instructed by a FA to go aft, but didn’t. As the cockpit door opened, another perp suddenly appeared from around the galley, dropped his shoulder into FO while the first one got in the way of the FO’s attempt to block the other…here I’m not certain…so….wait for the movie."

"FO (one of our first FFDO’s [Federal Flight Deck Officers*]) was about to pull his flashlight to use as a weapon in a counter attack, but thought better of it not knowing how many more perps he might have to fight, called “lockdown” to the FB [secondary “B” First Officer], inside the cockpit, who slammed the door. As soon as the perps heard the word lockdown, they retreated to their seats."

The unnerving part comes later...the Orc probe was kept strictly QT. Other AA crews have not heard of the incident nor has the Orc Lovers of the MSM either been informed or otherwise interested...more at Aviation Nation and LGF