The USS Reuben James becomes the fourth incident of a U.S. ship refused port entry to Hong Kong by the Chinese government. Two Minesweepers seeking shelter from a storm were denied entry. The aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk was refused port entry over the Thanksgiving Holiday and today the once a quarter flight by a C-17 in support of the US Consulate was refused as well. The Reuben James' 200 plus crew had visions of New Year's Eve Liberty in Hong Kong but the Chinese leadership is determined to demonstrate their agnst against Dubya for giving the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader the, 14th Dalai Lama,
Tenzin Gyatso, undeserved legitimacy and for sales of Patriot missile-systems equipment to the "renegade province" of Taiwan. The Chinese government is a bit touchie about Tibet considering that the take over of Tibet in 1950 has never been anything to brag about:
Heritage FoundationIf the matter of Tibet's sovereignty is murky, the question about the PRC's treatment of Tibetans is all too clear. After invading Tibet in 1950, the Chinese communists killed over one million Tibetans, destroyed over 6,000 monasteries, and turned Tibet's northeastern province, Amdo, into a gulag housing, by one estimate, up to ten million people. A quarter of a million Chinese troops remain stationed in Tibet. In addition, some 7.5 million Chinese have responded to Beijing's incentives to relocate to Tibet; they now outnumber the 6 million Tibetans. Through what has been termed Chinese apartheid, ethnic Tibetans now have a lower life expectancy, literacy rate, and per capita income than Chinese inhabitants of Tibet.[71]