Saturday, April 15, 2006

American Jihad Accomplices via Hollywood, Interrupted: Pat Dollard Blogs (almost) Live from Iraq: Entry Two

Patrick Dollard outlines the grand strategy of the ruling elite left wing to defeat Dubya....

"Hollywood, Interrupted’s War Correspondent Patrick Dollard asks: “Why did a Hollywood agent have to go do the job that the media should have been doing?”In this, Pat Dollard’s 2nd dispatch for Hollywood, Interrupted from Iraq, Dollard rails against the mainstream media’s disconnect from the truth when it comes to war coverage in Iraq."

"The American Media are primarily Democrats, liberals, leftists -- choose the term yourself. But we all know what we're talking about. Don't get cute and waste my time arguing the point. The American Media, by and large, are trying to sway the next two elections to their team. The best way to do this is to damage the administration and the Republican Congress. The best way to do this is to convince the American people that Iraq is a failure. The best way to do that is to declare defeat and force a retreat. Normally, any winning political strategy is fair enough. But to employ a winning domestic political strategy without regard for the consequences to the American people, whose children will be slaughtered at the hands of ascendant Jihadists (among a series of other consequences) is not only wrong, but just plain evil."

"The media have, by and large, allied with the Jihadists in the hope that the Jihadists' victory in Iraq will win their party the White House and Congress. The media simply cannot resist the temptation to test their power in the service of a domestic political agenda. The whole country is inflamed one way or another over this war. Only a drooling moron would argue that the members of the media are somehow exclusively immune to those passions."Hollywood, Interrupted: Pat Dollard Blogs (almost) Live from Iraq: Entry Two

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