Monday, October 02, 2006

Cool it with the Exploding Mohammeds in Spain

In Spain, this year we aren't going to celebrate the end of 700 years of Muslim domination by exploding Mohammed pinatas filled with firecrackers cause we are fearful of exploding Muslims. Yes, I know we have been exploding Mohammed pinata heads since 1492 . Yes, I know that's 514 years. I can count. But we have been doing the same exploding head routine to celebrate the "Reconquista," the reconquest of Spain by Christians from the Moors and I, for one, think that we need some fresh material. How bout this year, we throw the dummy off the castle wall. What da' ya say. Huh? In February. When nobody is looking? Ok, lets have a show of hands. All those in favor of celebrating our freedom from Muslim domination by not pissing Muslims off raise your hand. Spaniards tone down exploding Mohammed at fiestas - Yahoo! News

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