Wednesday, January 24, 2007

SOTU---Not the Call to Saddle Up That Is Needed...

POTUS made nice, was gracious and touched all proper bases to be a "united not a divider" in his SOTU message to the nation and did not call congress on their moral bankruptcy with their gutless support for a "non -binding" resolution against the "surge". While POTUS made a good call to arms speech to an essentially could-care-less congress yet his failure to point out that the cowardly resolution is aid and comfort to the enemy and nothing less than treason.
Victory. Is. Not. Negotiable.
Aid and comfort to the enemy puts our men at risk and POTUS failed in his duty to point this out to a congress more interested in their next reelection then Victory. Vampire Crocs at the door, incoming Angels of Death at our six o'clock and the gutless Congressional Croc enablers get a pass on their failure to realize we are at War?! NUTS!