America's first Kenyan President is trying to cover all bases to reassure you all that his finger was on the pulse and have no doubt: Mr. Wonderful is on the case. OK. What ever. Powerline has great analysis of did POTUS have his pants on or not. NOT. You read. You decide. From my corner. Dude-POTUS Kenyan baby. You are so SOL. This bad boy is 5000 feet down under water. I know that means dew-dew-lee to a paper cut refugee from Harvard but let me give you the bottom line. Ixtoc I, remember Ixtoc I, yead I know you do, Ixtoc I was the last blow out we had in the Gulf aka 100 km north west from Ciudad del Carmen in Campeche June 3, 1979, damn thing blew out. Lost circulation. Bad. Blow up your kids balloons for their birthday party and you have the delicate chemistry of a well. Your air pressure keeps the kids balloon inflated. As long as the balloon stays intact--hey everything is copacetic. This is the same as a well. You hit a porous shale( kid's balloon hits a pin)--there goes your well drilling circulation mud and there goes your balloon and well. Nature abhors a vaccumn and here is where that explosive gas goes to take the place of the missing mud and blows up. Ixtoc took a year to cap off in 169 feet of water. This sucker is 5000 feet deep. Five thousand. That's 280 feet short of a mile. SOL
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