The Reviews are starting to come in for Jarhead and nationwide the Critics, aka those people who actually get paid to sit thru war movies, said: it stinks. At Rotten Tomatoes
the paid to watch-critics gave Jarhead a 56 with 60 being Fresh. The payers disagree with the critics and give Jarhead a positive 88. The common thread between the payers and get paid seems to be Jarhead is the first Seinfeld War Movie,a movie about nothing, a war movie with no point, no moral, no war.
Makes you feel sorry for the marketing dept....impossible task of selling a war movie without any actual war in it" Rene Rodriguez , Miami Herald.
"The film's lack of Meaning seems all the more egregious...." Glenn Whipp, LA Daily News.
This is not a war film its a lack of war film. Phil Villarrearl, Arizona Daily Star.
"Jarhead...walks up to the most urgent ...issues...loudly clears its throat and says nothing." A.O. Scott New York Times
"I've read the book that this movie is based on, and the author was in the Marine Corps during the first Gulf War. In my opinion, he is what we Marines called a 10-percenter or a certain type of bird. He admits in the book to being a thief and a liar, stealing equipment from fellow Marines and then selling it at surplus stores. The entire book is nothing but him whining about what is wrong with the Marine Corps. ... you can find better ways to spend your money and time. I won't be putting any of my money into this (expletive) bird's pockets." Jim Burke Tallahassee Democrat
Some positive reviews, from the Jacksonville, N.C. Daily News: "I thought it was good," said Lance Cpl. Richard Usher, 19, from Tampa, Fla. "From what I know, it's accurate. They did say 'Oohra' way too much."
Lance Cpl. Josh Rader, 29, of Georgia, said he thought the movie was one of the more accurate portrayals of the Marine Corps, with the only more accurate movie being Stanley Kubrick's "Full Metal Jacket."
"A lot of the training, they dramatize it more," Rader said. "I'd say it's probably more accurate."
Lance Cpl. Adam Blades, 20, with 1st Battalion, 2nd Marines, agreed, but took exception to the actors' ages.
"The actors were a little old," he said. "The majority of guys going over there are like 18 and 19. But it was pretty cool. As accurate as I've seen."
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