Remember this Dude? Farris Hassan, not to be confused with Ferris Bueller, took a day off from school, where he was taking "immersion journalism" and "on his own" w/o parents OK flew off to Iraq to research his school project:
Farris HASSAN, the 16-year-old Pine Crest student from Fort Lauderdale who left the comforts of his $4 million family home on December 11 for Iraq, claimed that he made the trip to put his lessons of his “immersion journalism” class into practice, and selected Iraq out of humanitarian concerns for the Iraqi people. His story quickly caught the attention of the media, who portrayed this young man as adventurous but naive, and his worried parents clueless to his intentions until they received an e-mail from him when he was in Kuwait. Upon his return home, he would certainly face the consequences from his concerned parents, despite his ostensibly altruistic intentions.
Right. Despite all the attention from the world press, seems no one bothered to run the basic gum shoe investigation of the "facts". Once upon a time,"Check the facts, Jack!" lived as a basic rudimentry practice for young apprentice newsmongers. Apparently, the practice of checking facts now exits as a discarded ritual by members of the MSM as an unneccessary waste of time--especially when the "story" is so good. Nonetheless, practitioners of the ancient art of double checking leads has produced an interesting aside to Farris Hassan's excellent adventure. With hardly any trouble into fact-checking research Northeast Intell has determined:
- Father Hassan has an FBI rap sheet for forgery of passports and military ID cards
- Pine Crest School does not have a journalism school.
- Lourdes Cowgill, president of the Pine Crest School, said that Hassan was never given an "immersion journalism" assignment and added that there is, in fact, no journalism class at the school.
- "Also, the school confirmed that the boy's father, Dr. Redha Hassan not only knew of his son's intended travels, but authorized his absence, which is inconsistent with his initial public statements."
So dude, how about a show and tell on what were you doing meeting w/known enemies of your country?
- "Farris spent ten days in Beirut, and while there, met with a media relations officer of the terrorist group Hezbollah at their Central Press Office. This meeting was arranged through the assistance of his hosts – the family's friends."
Northeast Intelligence Network - News
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