Congressman Murtha, ex-Marine and now thug enabler, proudly wears the Pink Badge of Courage presented by Code Pink, an anti-war group founded by commies, who hassle our wounded with protests out side Walter Reed Hospital.
Code Pink, Global Exchange, and Families for Peace also donated a combined total of $600,000 in medical supplies and cash to the godless-evil-terrorist-thugs-fighting U.S. Marines in Fallujah, Iraq.
via Discover the Networks
Code Pink for Peace is a self-described "grassroots peace and social justice movement" formed in December 2002 to join the cadre of anti-war groups protesting against America's then-impending war in Iraq. Code Pink was founded by four experienced activists and hardcore Communists - Jodie Evans, Medea Benjamin, Diane Wilson, and a radical Wiccan activist calling herself Starhawk. Ms. Evans is the nominal leader of the organization, which works closely with Medea Benjamin's group Global Exchange, which in turn maintains strong ties to the Communist Workers World Party (WWP). Code Pink also works hand-in-hand with United For Peace and Justice, whose leader Leslie Cagan is a longtime devotee of Fidel Castro and the Socialist Party USA. Throughout the 1990s, many of the Marxists currently working for Code Pink organized anti-free trade protests - some of them violent - and filed numerous high-profile lawsuits that forced American corporations to spend millions of dollars defending themselves.
Cybercast News Service previously reported Code Pink was criticized for picketing the military hospital holding signs that read "Maimed for a Lie" and "Enlist Here to Die for Halliburton."
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