Saturday, July 01, 2006

More "Who Shot John" From the Treasonous Bastions of Democracy at the NYT "When Do We Publish a Secret? - New York Times

So typical of the upper crust layer of elites/editors at the NYT to think that if they only re-explained how they came around to cooking their pot of treasonous hash soup--then Jack Burton, me, the knuckle dragging champion of the low life Troglodytes would understand and appreciate the level of commitment and sacrifice the editors of the NYT have gone to protect me, Jack Burton, from the machinations of the yankee government. For is it not written the yankee government is more to be feared than all the Islamic Jihadis in the world.
Dean Baquet LAT and Bill Keller's NYT excellent editorial/defense/ explanation: "When Do We Publish a Secret" should be retitled "Why We Are From the Planet Zoom!"and even then I won't believe a word of it. Our hero's paean begins with a description of the perils they over came:Dean and Bill faced "excruciating choices in covering the government's efforts to protect the country from terrorist agents."

Gosh Golly! Uncle Dean and Bill. Tell us more!

"We have correspondents today alongside troops on the front lines in Iraq and Afghanistan. Others risk their lives in a quest to understand the terrorist threat; Daniel Pearl of The Wall Street Journal was murdered on such a mission. We, and the people who work for us, are not neutral in the struggle against terrorism."


Our job, especially in times like these, is to bring our readers information that will enable them to judge how well their elected leaders are fighting on their behalf, and at what price.

Ah huh. What else Uncle Bill! What about the evil yankee government!

"....our papers have brought you a great deal of information the White House never intended for you to know — classified secrets about the questionable intelligence that led the country to war in Iraq, about the abuse of prisoners in Iraq and Afghanistan, about the transfer of suspects to countries that are not squeamish about using torture, about eavesdropping without warrants."

Are these the same dudes that are after my US Marine? Uncle Bill? Uncle Dean?

"How do we, as editors, reconcile the obligation to inform with the instinct to protect?"

Dear Uncle Bill and Uncle Dean,

How about a nice big glass of STFU! Jack Burton always says at a time like this "Condescending Bastions of Democracy MUST PAY!"

When Do We Publish a Secret? - New York Times

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