Saturday, September 15, 2007

Remember The Good Old Days When A War's Timeline Depended Upon The Surrender of the Enemy

A listener to the Limbaugh Radio called in with a question about time lines accepting surrender terms:

CALLER: The reason I called was to ask if you remembered when the timeline for a war depended on when the enemy surrendered.

RUSH: Uh... (laughs) Yes.

CALLER: Why is it that John Edwards and the rest of the Democrats don't understand that principle?

RUSH: Well, I think they do, but they're too far gone politically now in the investment of defeat, and their line is, "It isn't a war. It's a civil war. It's sectarian and we can't stop it, and there's nothing we can do and they're going to have to fight it out for themselves." They're being led around by their kook-fringe leftists, the anti-war movement in this country, and that's who they are proving fealty to, and nothing is going to change that. They're not interested in victory. You have to understand now, Stewart (which I'm sure you do, politically), the absolute worst thing that can happen is for this to work, and for this to succeed, and for there to be victory at the end of it. That's the worst, absolute worst thing, that can happen, especially if we make significant progress toward that prior to 2008.