Sunday, December 09, 2007

Cozy Up boys, cozy up


With so many holding hands, doing the bosom buddy life long friends dance, you'd think all were getting on famously would you. Actually, nothing could be further from the truth. The fact is the Saudi King is terrified of Mahmaoud and the free pass the nut jobs from the NIE have presented the new hegemone. Read this and this

For all the oil money these guys are raking in you would think an immature upstart like Mahmaoud would be a piece of cake to kick into the corner and mind his manners. All of the oil states are too chicken shit to unite and blast this mongrel to hell. What a scurvy lot. Billions and billions of dollars converted into high tech state of the art military tech and no guts. Just like our NIE. Billions of dollars spent on intell and the best of the best can only come up with 100% barn yard bullshit that effectively neuters POTUS.

Whose side are these sappy appeasing lapdogs on?