Friday, December 07, 2007

Helen Thomas! ROTFLMAO!!!!!! Make a Hole--Dead Dinosaur Talking!

Ripped From Riehl World View

"It appears Public Eye at CBS has plucked a gem from an interview with Helen Thomas at HuffPo I imagine few Right-siders read. It's a real laugher if you've followed Thomas at all, particularly her pronouncements as regards America killing civilians in Iraq.

Q: Do you think technology is changing [journalism]? That a good reporter will always find a venue because there are so many media outlets now?

Thomas: No, but I do think it is kind of sad when everybody who owns a laptop thinks they're a journalist and doesn't understand the ethics. We do have to have some sense of what's right and wrong in this job. Of how far we can go. We don't make accusations without absolute proof. We're not prosecutors. We don't assume.

Q: So if there's this amateur league of journalists out there, trying to do what you do...

Thomas: It's dangerous."