Global Security:"The M777A2 fires unassisted projectiles to a range of 15 miles and assisted projectiles to 19 miles, but the addition of the digital fire control system enables the weapon to program and fire the improved Excalibur precision-guided munition to ranges in excess of 25 miles with and land within 10 meters of its target.
It is able to fire up to five rounds per minute and is capable of firing high-explosive rounds up to 25 kilometers and place them within three meters of their intended targets.
Weighing in at less than 4,200 kilograms, the revolutionary M77A27 is the world's first artillery weapon to make widespread use of titanium and aluminum alloys, resulting in a howitzer that is half the weight of conventional 155 mm systems.
"The weight reduction improves transportability and mobility without impacting range or accuracy," Shields said.
The lightweight M777A2 can be air lifted into remote high altitude locations inaccessible by ground transportation and is capable of being transported by the Marine Corps' new V-22 tilt-rotor aircraft as well as all medium- and heavy-lift helicopters."
watta sexy guy! lol