“(It) was a great find,” said 1st Lt. Chris Sylvain, platoon leader for the 1st
Plt. “Not only does it reduce the supplies available to the enemy to make
homemade explosives, but it makes the area safer for Soldiers.”
The cache found would likely have been used to create homemade
explosives, a primary element in making improvised explosive devices, said Maj.
Jonathan Otto, 3rd BCT, a 101st Airborne Division. (Air Assault) staff officer.
The materials presented a real threat to local Iraqis and their livestock, Otto
explained, because the nitric acid was poorly stored and leaking.
The1-33rd Cav. Regt. Soldiers removed the leaking barrels and cleaned up
the site.
Monday, November 05, 2007
Orcs lose their Stash of Nitric Acid
Eight hundred gallons of nitric acid, a "transparent, colorless to yellowish, fuming corrosive liquid, HNO3, a highly reactive oxidizing agent used in the production of explosives"ANS were recovered by the Rakkasans (nickname "Rakkasan," from the Japanese word rakkasan (落下傘) of the 101st Airborne.