Wednesday, October 12, 2005

I Came I Saw and I now don't know--- Senior U.S. General Lacks 'lacks moral authority' in Iraq After Visit to Sausage Factory

Pamela Hess, intrepid UPI Pentagon Correspondent, is back from Iraq and just in time to catch
a senior American general who has caught a dose of the vapors after a visit to the mother of all sausage factories inside the beltway.
Pam writes:" His moral crisis was that he had been to Washington, D.C." "He had been asked politically loaded questions from both sides of aisle about the war, each questioner seeking ammunition to use for their own political ends. He was dismayed." "I'm no longer sure I can look (a soldier or a Marine) in the eye and say: 'This is something worth dying for.'"
OMG! What a shocker!
Earth to General. Earth to General. Come in General. Politics is a contact sport! Hello? Knock knock! Hello! This how you run a democracy or make sausage. If its unanimity you want you might try North Korea I understand there is a lot of concurrance w/the fearless leader in charge although I have heard, in some quarters, he has been getting the finger lately. Listen General, this war is about the defense of this country. We were attacked. Had we not been attacked I very much doubt GW would have got a wild hair up and decided to start peddling democracy around the world anymore than he would start selling door to door magazine subscriptions. Democracy is part of our Defense.

United Press International: U.S. 'lacks moral authority' in Iraq

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