Major K.: Still a Fugitive: "This scumbag, Fabian Urrea, murdered my friend and fellow Soldier, SPC Jorge Estrada in cold blood over four months ago. I wrote a post about it shortly after it happened. He is still out there somewhere, living free and so far untouched by the law. Rumored to be in Southern California, Kingman, Arizona or Mexico, America's Most Wanted has profiled the case. I am putting this low-life's picture back up in the hopes that someone may recognize him and call the police. He has or had piercings on both his eyebrows, ears and lower lip. He has two tattoos. The first is 'Natural High' written above a marijuana leaf on right calf. The second is a devil holding a puppet on right arm (from shoulder to elbow). Yep, this is one classy guy. If anyone who reads this sees this murderer, please call the Murrieta Police Department at (951) 696-3615 or America's Most Wanted at (800) CRIME-TV. He needs to be taken out of circulation."
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