Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Who is the thuggie's Best Friend in the World? Surprise! It's the MSM Dinosaurs!!

Austin Bay has an insightful commentary in the WashTimes today on thuggies and their enablers aka as the "gentlemen of the press" who are suckers for a spectacular hit on the defenseless. After discussing how a small bunch of deadends could look so powerful when they haven't been able to "win a military engagement with U.S. forces at or above the platoon level (about 30 troops)" much less come up with a end game plan that assures the thuggies anything other than defeat the thuggies remain military weak but a global information power.
"...bombs like those used in London) are "perfect asymmetric warfare weapons" for 21st century terrorists. ("Asymmetric warfare" pits mismatched enemies. The weak side tries to avoid its own destruction, while targeting the strong side's political or military vulnerabilities.)

What makes the small and anonymous appear powerful and strong? In the 21st century, intense media coverage magnifies the terrorists' capabilities. This suggests winning the global war against Islamist terror ultimately requires denying terrorists weapons of mass destruction and curbing what is now al Qaeda's greatest strategic capability: media magnification and enhancement of its bombing campaigns and political theatrics".

Al Qaeda's information war�-�Commentary�-�The Washington Times, America's Newspaper

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:45 PM

    I've been keeping up with this blog for a month or so. Good stuff you put out here, keep it real man. GL
