Tuesday, May 19, 2009

All Hail and SALUTE A Man of the Truest GRIT: George McGovern

Who among us is 87 years old and can still kick ass, even his own political party, on PRINCIPLE! Count yourselves one of the lucky few if you voted for him and count again blessed that you can still see America still has the guts to shelter a man of principle. George McGovern is AGAINST! the union backed Employee Free Choice Act. This is the union's mega-bucks loottery ticket. Thats right, buddy, the word is spelled right:Loottery ticket. The gutless, godless union has backed their POTUS into the White House and right now they are looking for a little payback in the form of legislation, which would give Big Joe, the worker the "option" of joining a union by just signing his John Doe to a card instead of voting in a SECRET BALLOT! You understand, if your vote is a SECRET no thugs can sidle up to you while watching your kid play ball and say something appreciative, like, Gee Joe went by your house last week...you wasn't home...nice house...shame if something was to happen to it...you know...accident. Just Saying...you know. The Unions are gunning for McGovern.

George McGovern:Voting is an immense privilege.

That is why I am concerned about a new development that could deny this freedom to many Americans. As a longtime friend of labor unions, I must raise my voice against pending legislation I see as a disturbing and undemocratic overreach not in the interest of either management or labor.

The legislation is called the Employee Free Choice Act, and I am sad to say it runs counter to ideals that were once at the core of the labor movement. Instead of providing a voice for the unheard, EFCA risks silencing those who would speak.

The key provision of EFCA is a change in the mechanism by which unions are formed and recognized. Instead of a private election with a secret ballot overseen by an impartial federal board, union organizers would simply need to gather signatures from more than 50% of the employees in a workplace or bargaining unit, a system known as "card-check." There are many documented cases where workers have been pressured, harassed, tricked and intimidated into signing cards that have led to mandatory payment of dues.

Under EFCA, workers could lose the freedom to express their will in private, the right to make a decision without anyone peering over their shoulder, free from fear of reprisal.

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