Monday, May 18, 2009

The Middle Ground Is For Cemeteries

The Middle Ground. Dollars to donuts says you think you know all about the middle ground. Sure. John Weaver knows. The Republican strategist who helped Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman gird his loins for a run for the presidency now says the Republican party is going to get its clock cleaned if it sticks with extremists like Limbaugh, Cheney and Palin. Major Blowout-Blue Meannies, says Mr. Strategist John Weaver: "If it's 2012 and our party is defined by Palin and Limbaugh and Cheney, then we're headed for a blowout," says strategist John Weaver, who advised Huntsman and was for years a close adviser to Sen. John McCain." Advised, once again as in used to advise two former POTUS wannabee losers : Huntsman, now packing his bags for China and calling Obama: Boss, and by the hey is going to be totally useless for a 2012 run for the White House cause who is going gauche and run against the BOSS of us all and Senator McCain, who in the previous election couldn't make up his mind to fish or cut bait. Either way, the these two resume enhancers are history no matter what Republican strategist John Weaver says about holding onto the middle ground with safe,don't make any sudden moves, middle ground candidates. Give me a break, already! Trust the middle ground says Weaver. Right. What we need here is a candidate who is a Democrat-Lite-Republican. You know, everyone gets sucked in by the supposed safety of the middle ground. Sure. Its understandable. Middle ground is American. It's mom's apple pie. This is America where everybody gets a second break or a third or a fourth or a fifth break. In Afghanistan, the military is also seeking the middle ground. The middle ground is a swamp. Think Brits in Basra. If you want a serious discussion about the middle ground you need to read Ralph Peters here where you find that his idea of the proper use for the middle ground is to let the Orcs use it for a cemetary: "Getting it right in Afghanistan -- and across the frontier in Pakistan -- means digging fewer wells and forcing our enemies to dig more graves." The " incisive, relentless elimination of terrorists by our special-ops forces: Killing works." Rule Number One: There is no middle ground in the War Against Orcs. HopeNchange is not a Plan.

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