WHAT: Jeremy Kane Benefit Run
WHEN: April 25, 2010
WHERE: Cherry Hill, NJ
GOAL: OIF/OEF Monument at Rutgers New Brunswick
"With the brave sacrifice of Jeremy Kane-USMC in the interest of our freedom, Veterans for Education has come to the sad realization that there is no memorial at Rutgers University to commemorate those warriors who have fallen after 9/11. With this benefit run in Jeremy Kane's honor, we will raise the money to finally honor all those brave students/graduates who have given all, so we might be free."
"The run will begin at 10:00 am sharp at Cherry Hill East High School. Once the run begins, we will have Cherry Hill police/fire vehicles leading the run and blocking off traffic. The run will end at M'Kor Shalom Synagogue where a ceremony for Jeremy, as well as other students/graduates of Rutgers who have fallen will take place. Water will be provided, as well as an ambulance on standby. At the end of the run, a shuttle bus will be provided to transport participants conveniently back to their vehicles at Cherry Hill East High School parking lot.
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